Mixed bouquet at florist

Tips overview


What are the best cut flower care rules for florists?

Mixed bouquet at florist
  • Purchase flowers of sufficient maturity and quality
  • Pay attention to the quality of the stem; check for sturdiness, colour and the absence of damage
  • Remove wilted or damaged flowers and flowers with Botrytis
  • Do not spray water on buds and flowers as this increases the chance of fungal growth (Botrytis)
  • Do not use metal or antique crystal vases or containers; if you do, use an acid resistant liner.
  • Do not use unprotected or contaminated organic binding material.
  • Refrain from damaging the stems – remover the thorns only if absolutely necessary.
  • Cut at least 2 cm off the stem; 5-10 cm is better.
  • Cut the stems with a sharp knife or secateurs at an angel to prevent damaging and flattening of the stem.
  • Place all the flowers in clean containers in a solution of Chrysal Professional 2.
  • Give flowers that arrive wilted a changes to re-hydrate in their packaging whilst in a solution of Chrysal Professional 2, in a cool, dark place for several hours.
  • Always add flower food to your finished bouquet and provide your customer the relevant advice about the water and the use cut flower food
  • Add a speciality food, if available, for specific flowers and ideally provide a second sachet/liquid stick for topping up so that your customer can enjoy their flowers as long as possible