Alstroemeria care tips

Alstroemeria is a special flower that's available in many sparkling colours. When you see the freshly cut flower, the Alstroemeria hides it beauty in the bud. But when it opens it surprises you with many sparkling colours. The six to eight flowers on the stem become visible, often in some form of tiger print, combining sparkling colours of white, yellow, red, orange, purple or pink. Another characteristic is the stem with beautiful twisted leaves.
Alstroemeria: sparkling colors and enduring friendship
A great reason to use this flower in bouquets is its symbolic meaning of enduring friendship. All six of the alstroemeria petals are very important. They stand for understanding, humour, patience, empathy, commitment and respect. Your customers can decide for themselves which petal represents which quality. All the more reason that these should be enjoyed as long as possible in the vase!
Post-harvest treatment
The right treatment with Chrysal BVB prevents the yellowing of the leaf and ensures that the buds open fully. Chrysal partner Batian Flowers treats their Alstroemeria with Chrysal BVB. Rene Mulder from Batian Flowers: "Our Alstroemeria always opens with beautiful colours and has a guaranteed shelf life of at least two weeks." When you combine the treatment of Chrysal BVB with Chrysal AVB, the Alstroemeria is also protected from ethylene. It prevents the dropping of buds and premature aging of the flowers.
Flower care in store
In the store it is important to place the Alstroemeria in clean water with a conditioner like Chrysal Professional 2. This ensures a longer shelf life and ensures that the flower starts to colour some and develops well without the buds opening too much.
Flower care at home
- Place the Alstroemeria directly in a vase with Chrysal Clear Universal flower food. Or even better: use special Chrysal Lily & Alstroemeria flower food. This ensures that the buds open beautifully, that the intense colours remain and that the flowers last up to 60% longer compared to water alone. Also, it keeps the leaves nice and green.
- Cut the stem 2-3 cm with a clean, sharp knife or secateurs.
- Remove any fallen leaves from the water.